Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lebanese Weddings

Can someone explain to me how we moved from the wedding in the yard, under the 3arishe, to the expensive wedding in an expensive hotel, with all the extravagant additions. 
A typical, middle class, Lebanese wedding costs no less than 30000$ nowadays. From the fireworks, to the "zaffe" (oh God, how I hate the stupid zaffe), to the flowers, to the cars, to the fake cake. Apparently, there are rules, defining what should be done in a typical wedding. For example, I recently learned that one must rent three cars for a wedding. One for the bride, one for her parents, and one for the groom's parents. How silly is that? Who defines what must, and what must not be done? My parents rented one car, and they were fine. The parents came in their own cars. My grandmother rode a donkey to her marriage!
Even the church costs no less than 500$.
This has gone out of control, especially for the typical Lebanese guy who can no longer afford to pay for the requirements of such weddings, and the typical Lebanese woman who always compares what she has, to what her neighbor/friend/cousin/acquaintance got in her wedding.
People, why can't we just stick to our traditions, go back to the weddings in the town church, with a party at the house, Dbi7a, Arak, and all the simple things that our grandparents used to enjoy!

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